Friday, June 3, 2011

Balang2 yang penuh kontroversi

byk kekeliruan ttg jar berlaku melalui pemerhatian di grup anatomy antaranya

no6 ant limb atau genu
smlm dr. farid ckp genu

no4 geniohyoid atau omohyoid
dr.farid ckp geniohyoid tapi no tu dah tecabut jadi takde

no1(most posterior) calcarine sulcus atau lingual gyrus 
dr, farid ckp lingual gyrus

no8 flocculus atau ant. lobe atau???
dr. farid ckp jawab cerebellum sudah

no7 sella turcica atau sphenoidal air sinus
dr.farid ckp sphenoidal air sinus no tu terpaksa letak kt situ sbb x de tmpt laen boleh letak

no1 basilar sulcus atau pons
dr.farid ckp pons 

sbg tambahan dr.ahmes samir ade post status kat grup 
"hello 4 put an end for this argument about the jars....ant limb or genu: the mark is between both..i see it ant limb but both are correct......lingual or calcarine: the pin in calcarine...the number on lingual..i see it calcarine (but both may be correct)....cerebellum or folliculus or ant lobe: say cerebellum without specification (3lshan tshtry dma3'k)....postcentral gyrus or sulcus: gyrus correct.....sphenoidal air sinus or cella tercica: sphenoidal renal vein or artery: look at the jar itself if catching red str: art, blue: vein (eldabos momken ykon w23 w at7t f ay wa7ed fehom b3d keda)....scalp or dura matter: dura matter correct...geniohyoid or mylohyoid: geniohyoid correct (bs elrakm w23 msh mwgood).pons or basilar groove on pons: both correct..hope success 4 all w yaret t3do b2a tzakro:)"

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