Sunday, April 17, 2011

Practical Exam Anatomy

Now in the (Anatomy Museum) there are 5 new jars of head and neck

the jars are important as was explained in the sections and they are expected in  the practical exam

the samples are found in glass jars and there are green numbers on the required label

the jars labels are as follow :

>> Coronal section of head ( Child face's jar)
1 - lacrimal gland

2 - nesal septum

3 - inferior concha

4 - maxillary sinus

5 - tongue

>> Transverse section in head and neck

1 - nasal septum

2 - nasal concha

3 - nasopharynx

4 - maxillary sinus

5 - masseter muscle

6 - median atlantoaxial joint = dense of axis = anterior arch of atlas

>> Sagittal section of face from sagittal section view :

1 - tubal elevation = salpingiopharyngeal fold

2 - soft palate uvula

3 - epiglottis

4 - geniohyoid

5 - spinal cord

6 - hard palate

7 - inferior meatus

8 - middle meatus

9 - sphenoid sinus

10 - genioglossus

11 - tentorium cerebelli

from face view :

1 - temporalis muscle

2 - parotid gland

3 - masseter muscle

4 - buccinator muscle

5 - parotid duct

6 - orbicularis oris

7 - orbicularis oculi

8 - facial artery

>> Posterior traingle of neck and sagittal section of head and neck

posterior traingle view :

1 - splenius capitis muscle

2 - levator scapula

3 - scalenus medius

4 - spinal accessory nerve

5 - external jugular vien

6 - trunks of brachial plexus

7 - sternomastoid muscle

8 - anterior facial vien

9 - subclavian vien

10 - trapezius muscle

sagittal cut view :
1 - opening of eustachian tube

2 - soft palate

3 - palatine tonsil

4 - genioglossus

5 - frontal sinus

>>Head ( suboccipital traingle ,  infratemporal fossa + anterior traingle )

suboccipital triangle view :

1 - greater occiputal nerve

2 - third part of vertebral artery

3 - rectus capitis posterior major

4 - inferior oblique

5 - superior oblique 

infratemporal fossa and anterior traingle view :

1 - maxillary artery

2 - inferior alveolar nerve

3 - lingual nerve

4 - lateral ptrygoid muscle

5 - posterior belly of digastric muscle

6 - hypoglossal nerve

7 - internal jugular vien

8 - internal carotid artery

9 - external carotid artery

10 - sternohyoid muscle

source:Anatomy ASU Official Group

Have you guys tried Google Body Browser? . I think its a good program for Anatomy learning beside using atlas and textbook. You are recommended to use Google Chrome.

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